Invest in an AR card for your business

Introducing the future of networking: Augmented Reality Business Cards!

Are you tired of traditional business cards getting lost or forgotten? Stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression with our Augmented Reality Business Cards.

Elevate your networking experience with our Augmented Reality (AR) business card, a groundbreaking solution that seamlessly merges the digital and physical realms. Unlike traditional cards, our AR business card stands out by offering a dynamic, engaging, and interactive display of your contact information, portfolio, and company details directly from a webpage — no additional downloads required.

Here’s why choosing an AR business card will set you leagues ahead:

  • Unforgettable Experience: Engage and mesmerize recipients with multimedia elements like videos, 3D animations, or even live feeds, all overlaid on the real world.
  • Adaptability: Change your job title or move to a new office? Update your details digitally without needing to reprint.
  • Maximize Space: Get the benefit of extended virtual space to share more than a traditional card allows.
  • Eco-Friendly Networking: Minimize waste with digital updates, emphasizing sustainability.
  • All-In-One Integration: Direct contacts to your LinkedIn, portfolio, or product demos with interactive buttons, or enable them to call, email, purchase, or book an appointment with ease.
  • Stand Out in the Crowd: In a world filled with standard cards, make every introduction memorable and start conversations with flair.
  • Share with a Click: Lost cards are a thing of the past; recipients can access and share your digital card effortlessly.
  • Valuable Insights: Harness analytics to learn how clients interact with your card, refining for even better connections.
  • Multifaceted Utility: Beyond just contact details, the AR card can double as a portfolio, product showcase, or even a virtual tour.

In today’s fast-paced digital era, the AR business card isn’t just a card; it’s an experience, a statement, and a tool to elevate your professional journey. Don’t just share your details; share a piece of the future. Join us, and redefine the way you network.

ar card

Click the link to experience our AR Business Card.

Augmented Reality Business Card 60% off  ($900.00 discount!) creation cost
$600 Creation cost + $600 hosting cost per year for 3,000 scans per month.

VERY limited offer


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