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About Ken Rochon Jr.  The Umbrella Syndicate (TUS) was created, by Ken, with six elements represented by each

            segment of the umbrella that strategically and synergistically move the vision of a leader
            beyond their own minds eye. He studied strategies of leveraging like-minded and like
            hearted audiences to create these epic social proof campaigns for the leaders he chose to
 Ken Rochon, Jr. is an internationally recognized   serve. Ken has created a formula that captures and catapults the message that wakes the
 dynamic speaker, author, social media expert   world up with a positive frequency that inspires people to learn more.
 and connector. He is a renaissance spiritual

 leader, who loves the arts, sciences and people.   “Ken and the Umbrella Team are probably the most proactive, positive and professional
            media I have ever seen. If you want viral videos and photography, creative coverage and
 After losing his mom to Alzheimer’s disease in   incredible insights into your event, brand or persona, they are the top of the food chain.”
 2008, he searched for the ultimate meaning and   Dave Crane
 purpose for his life. He prayed for a sign that would allow him to dedicate his life to service
 and utilize his skill sets to amplify leaders making a positive impact in the world.  Ken is lifetime entrepreneur, starting in his teen years, founding and delivering excellence
            with the award winning company Absolute Entertainment. He continues as a visionary and
 Ken’s ability to capture and captivate the human spirit at live events, on the radio, through   leader with companies and movements such as; The Perfect Networker, Live Loco Love Studio,
 speaking, photography and writing are highly recognized as evidenced in the multiple   The Perfect Publishing Ken has authored 17 books on diverse topics; children, linguistics,

 hundreds of reviews and recommendations. His love for his mom cause him to take more   marketing, networking, and travel. He has published over 50 solo and compilation books. His
 actions, which resulted in the sign he prayed for. His evidence was the avalanche multiple   current book ‘Keep Smiling Shift Happens!’ has caused a movement of celebrities and leaders
 hundreds of 5-Star reviews and recommendations. Ken is creating a dynamic positive impact   t to join in helping remind the world positivity, with just a simple smile, attracts positive power.
 and building a legacy for himself and other leaders. He is Internationally recognized as an
 influencer that uses his gifts and creates platforms and systems to amplify the messages of   “At the end of the day public relations, marketing are about communicating a story. The
 leaders that desire to change the world.   “HOW” is identical: Get customers. Move product. Drive revenue. Our WHY is what positions
            us to change the world.” I love to travel because I learn so much about myself and others. I

 “Ken Rochon is a master at creating social proof. He and The Umbrella Syndicate team are   recently accomplished becoming a Centurion Traveler by experiencing over 100 countries.
 fantastic with guests and really know how to connect everyone in the room. He consistently   My favorite place to travel is back home. My son Kenny is the light of his life and a moment
 produces fantastic work and we are always so happy to have him speak and photograph at   by moment inspiration of my purpose in life.” Ken Rochon, Jr.
 our You Will Change The World summits and masterminds” Peter Anthony Wynn, Founder
 of ‘You Will Change The World’  202.701.0911  •  •

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